Free The Janitor

The game seems sucky, and has no cards. So for those who want to try it anyway or want to grow their library...

In order to get your key, you need to:

  • Head over to
  • Log-in throught Steam
  • Fulfill all requirements. They don't check as completed, you need to do the tasks (join 6 groups and simply open the two last links). then press on "claim the key" button. fifth link to join a group is broken, you have to join by correcting the url on your browser or click here:

The Steam key will appear on the same page. Enjoy!


Free The Janitor Discussion: 23

  1. I already have two attempts and I can not get it I get into groups and those that are not in groups I just get in and get back on the page I give you to get my key and I get it to complete all the options help !!! !!

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