Get free Steam keys for Tax Fugitive!
1. Complete all steps via Gleam to unlock your Steam key.
2. Redeem your key on Steam
Get free Steam keys for Tax Fugitive!
1. Complete all steps via Gleam to unlock your Steam key.
2. Redeem your key on Steam
Tax Fugitive Discussion: 3
The giveaway has ended, sadly.
(“This Reward has ended”)
I join all discords servers but nothing happend, cannot join the welcome room or I dont understand what I must to do to make a task righ, any help please
Click on ‘Edit’ on the connections tab in the same line as your name. Remove the currently connected discord. And reconnect with the discord from which you joined the discord servers. To reconnect, simply click on “continue” on the discord tasks and it will prompt you to connect to discord first.