Giveaway Instructions:
1. Make sure your Steam Profile is Public!
2. Click Here to Join the IndieGala Main Steam Group
3. Make sure you log into (or register) your IndieGala Account and Connect your Steam Profile.
4. Click “Claim Free Copy” and follow the next step to find your Steam Key!
The key gets sent within the IndieGala website: Click Account Email (on Left) or “Menu” on Mobile< My Libraries< Bundles Library< IndieGala Giveaways. is giving away free Steam keys for Sparkle 3 Genesis. Just click in the Mass giveaway banner in the middle of the page and follow the steps.
Sparkle 3 Genesis Giveaway Discussion: 18
is the mass giveaway over?
Yes it is.
You Should Sign Up for the Steam Client Notification Thread or Any of the Other Notification Options. We Also Have an App on Mobile. Check Out Those Options Here: 🙂
Here is a $1 Bundle Where You Can Get All the Sparkles Plus 23 Other Games: 🙂
porque indiegala ya no me entrega los keys ? realizo todo los pasos hasta el fina del mensaje “Enjoy your free gift!”, pero al revisar la biblioteca no encuentro la key ganada. Igualmente espero un par de horas y aun no aparece el regalo. Alguien sabe alguna solucion o a donde contactarme? gracias.
The key gets sent within the IndieGala website: Account Email (on Left) or “Menu” on Mobile< My Libraries< Bundles Library< IndieGala Giveaways.
Yes, that same I do, but I do not see the game.It is the second occasion that this problem happens to me. 🙁
You Could Attempt to Contact Indiegala Here:
Or Maybe Post Something in Their Steam Group Here:
WinterKathy thanks for the support.
You Are Welcome. 🙂
Profile not claimed. Click on recover account.
You Need to Claim Your Steam Profile for Indiegala. It Connects the Two Accounts.
thanks , indiegala always be my favourite <3