FREE Wavy Trip Steam Key! Discussion: 14

      1. I have seen other sites arrange expensive giveaways. Guess you haven’t been around long around see that. All marveloustrash is doing is adding 400 tasks for 1 dollar games. Interesting that you forgot to mention that sites like marveloustrash benefits from those giveaways.

        1. Of course, This is a full time job, we at MarvelousGA need to make sure to get new games, create new relations and make sure the site works for more than 200,000 unique gamers every month.

          We work during night and day, we try to take small naps in between.

            1. There Is NOWHERE written that this Game Keys need to have much worth.
              Or do you go into a Store with “Free Cheese parts on a Plate” and expect that they are as big as the buyable cheese?

              They just get money for the advertisement and can’t buy gamekeys to make giveaways like Humblebundle is doing so just ignore the Giveaways from Marv. and let others have the Keys.

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