Finally got a key, but i had to use an alt account. This time, it took me only 3min. Site is buggy as hell if some accounts cant redeem and others can –‘
i can confirm that some accounts cannot have a key. I tried 2 ther alts. One got his key in less than 2 minutes. the other is still has 5 tasks waiting.
Free Three Days! Discussion: 27
Thank you
Slowest site ever
slow but not cancer like marvelousshit
true but tomorrow, i’ll raid their deceit giveaway
fk this shit
Finally got a key, but i had to use an alt account. This time, it took me only 3min. Site is buggy as hell if some accounts cant redeem and others can –‘
i got the key im waiting for it to load ontro the my key page
i can confirm that some accounts cannot have a key. I tried 2 ther alts. One got his key in less than 2 minutes. the other is still has 5 tasks waiting.
redeemed it first acc ez
rlly slow xd
It’s cancer, but thank you.
Yaaaaay cancer siteeeeee
i gave up –‘
What wouldn’t we suffer for a shitty game less than 5% of owners will play! ^^
Site keeps crashing just for a $5 game lol
I got it. You must wait 🙂
ty 😀 5$ nice 🙂
Low low x1000
error 502 site
Low low x10
low low