Hosted by KeyChampions.
Help reunite your missing friends and save your family from wild animals, mutants, inanimate objects, aliens and the undead!
If you click "Claim Key" and get an message saying there's been an error:
- Refresh the giveaway page
- Press the back button
Be patient and you will get the key.
Free Rogue Port – Red Nightmare Discussion: 39
Fake, waited half an hour to boost my steam library and got a duplicate key, fml
this site is cancerous
Too bad… “Queue numbers are only valid for 5 minutes”.
You for 5 minutes?, me: Your estimated wait time is: 41 minutes… ._.
No, that is your “wait time”
لعبه هيه والخره واحد
cannot read hebrew, can you translate?
Game 99 cents and the problem hour wait for a failed game
i was joking 😉 yep, it’s a crappy game… even for free; i won’t play it! it’s just for my epenis (library gamecount)
I am a girl from Iraq and you are from any country
key cs es go plz
not only dumb… don’t forget gay! –‘
keycsgo PLEASE
gay as fuck 😉 and proud of it ^^
pls key csgo
it didnt work
it includes the 2017 PGL Krakow
still didnt work????? u need better key
i was joking…. (read the key… the first said “keep dreaming dude” and the second one “try this 1 then dude”) nobody is giving you a free key for CS as these keys easily sell for 5$
got the key thanks
it takes 2 hours to take the key!!!!!!!!!!
the game is crappy, so it does not really matter. Only those worried about game count in their library will take the time
cancer site
4500 keys available (5000 at the start)
Your estimated wait time is: more than an hour , what? ahahahahah
what’s with the queue, what if when the time it’s my turn the key’s all gone.
They put a queue because they have not enough bandwith to support all the simultaneous traffic. Anyway, the game is crappy, so i’m not disappointed. It only helps those who want a big epenis on steam
keychampions are offering keys but cant support the serverload –‘ i’m 1573 on the queue, more than an hour of wait!
Nice 😉
cancer site again 🙂
lol yeah