Free Dungeon Defenders II Otherworldly Spectre Pet!

Hosted by Alienware Arena. Please not this key must be redeemed in-game, not via Steam.

Dungeon Defenders II is a cooperative Action Tower Defense game packed with roleplaying elements like loot, leveling, and pets.

Redeem your key to claim the Otherworldly Spectre companion for your Dungeon Defender hero. There are hundreds of pets just waiting to be discovered in Etheria. But only the Otherworldly Spectre can be found here. After hatching your new companion, you can level him up by taking him to battle! With the right evolution materials your pets can finally reach their true potential, gaining higher stats and activatable abilities that can wreak havoc on your foes.

Note: (STEAMDD2) is Free to Play, this is a In-Game code.

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Free Dungeon Defenders II Otherworldly Spectre Pet! Discussion: 15

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