Free Numberline!

Giveaway hosted by Simplo.

Note: This game comes with Trading Cards!

NumberLine - addictive puzzle game in which you have to repeat the image of the figures. But this is not so easy - in fact you can only create units with number "One". Fortunately, figures interact with each other.


Free Numberline! Discussion: 24

    1. In the first line you see ” Hello PrincessPeach”
      To the right end of this line you see 2 symbols .
      The first is the settings .
      Left click it .
      In the drop down menu you see
      “link your Youtube account” .
      Left click it .
      After that you can get your Task Completed
      and get the key .
      I hope that I was helpful . πŸ˜‰

        1. You mean Steam Limited account ?
          If this is the case , I am very sorry but I can’t help you .
          You must read the help files of Steam in order to see
          what you must do to raise the limitations of your Steam
          account .

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