Free Heaven Forest – VR MMO

HRK is giving away copies of Heaven Forest - VR MMO, claim your key before they run out!


After login, Menu: Giveaways –> Free Giveaways

You can’t take the game twice with the same IP or with the same account.

Game description: The pressing human questions about life depend directly on our attitudes toward the universe. You'll find the answers you're searching for through a series of reasonings and clues during your journey in this game as well as in your own life.


Free Heaven Forest – VR MMO Discussion: 27

  1. for anyone having issues with hrk, just log into the site (either using steam or an account) and the head over to “Giveaways” – “Free Giveaway”. the only time that the site says the giveaway is not available in your region is if you try to access the link directly.

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