Free Forbidden Planet!

Expired is giving away to you guys, 1.000x Free Keys! If you want this game, then just do the steps, and get it!

Note: This game comes with Trading Cards!


This giveaway requires an extension to be installed to your browser, a Steam account and a VK account.

First of all, you have to install their extension, and log in with your Steam account.

Then you should do various steps, before you can get access to your Steam Key.

- Join Steam Group (Green "Join Group" button on the group page)

- Wishlist and Follow 2 games (Blue-ish "Add to your Wishlist" and "Follow" buttons under the game gallery on Steam)

- Follow 1 Steam Curator (Green "Follow" button on the curators page)

- Join 2 VK Groups.

If you are done with all of these, fill the captcha, and here ya go! Your Free Key is right there!


Game Description: "Forbidden Planet" is a Space Strategy and Tower Defence like Game. You control a small spaceship and your main goal is to protect your own home planet. Explore the universe for resources. Colonize other planets. Defend from the asteroids.


Free Forbidden Planet! Discussion: 12

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