WOAH! Claim your FREE Epic Roll Steam Key now! INSTANT WIN!
- Reduced tasks - No Twitch required - No minimal Steam level required -
WOAH! Claim your FREE Epic Roll Steam Key now! INSTANT WIN!
- Reduced tasks - No Twitch required - No minimal Steam level required -
FREE Epic Roll Steam Key! Discussion: 12
¨Thanks Marvelous! <33
I don’t even think this is a real person. I think the marvloustrash poster on this website just using another account or something like that.
I’m very real so mate. I just ignore people like you <3
” I just ignore people like you ” then why you answered his comment lol. As my previous statement , there are just a few bunch of marvelous peasents that just say ” OMG TY +REP ” , even if you are ” very real ” as you claim to be
basically a furry that got bribed by marvelousga
You know it is worse if you are real, right?
I can tell you that he is real, he is on Gamecode’s discord server
I see. Does he say how much bribe he gets?
this furry only comments on marvelousga’s giveaways and never on other websites giveaways. LMAO
I just joined Marvelous shit discord server and Rizk is a mod there lmfao