Giveaway hosted by Alienware Arena.
Note: This game comes with Trading Cards!
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.
The Deluxe Edition includes the base Game, the Official Soundtrack, the Digital Art Book and two Masks for PAYDAY 2.
Free Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition! (ARP Member Level 10+ Required) Discussion: 55
pls someone send a steam dead by daylight key to my email
please someone send a steam dead by daylight key
We can trade
My STEAM: WillyR1
please someone send a steam dead by daylight key to my email:
key please!!!!
please someone send a steam dead by daylight key to my email :
please send the key in this email
please send a key in this email
im so late
send me please key and i send you dying gta 5
pls some one pls give me a key i wish verry much thi game pls guys
Send me a key please
I need the key please guys 😀 (
dude can some one please give me a key
Thnx I Get The Key I’m Level 24 😀
Well, I think I won’t play with friends because I haven’t keys (I have only DLC)
Who wants a key
meeeee please
I want
Please i want the key 🙁
me please ( please sent em a key
Please can somebody give me one key pleaseeeeee. i dont have the lvl up and i rly want to play with my friends. im the only one who dont have the game,
give the key in my mail and coment here please ill check key on the mail.
I can’t level up on this site, I’m lvl 2. If someone can help me or give me a key pls contact. on my email:
I can’t level up on this site, I’m lvl 2. If someone can help me or give me a key pls contact. my steam link:
can someone give it to me pls i’m level 3
Plz can someone pick up that game for me? iam only level 3
Hey guys , do you need to have the base game to activate the Deluxe one ??
Yes, this AlienwareArena´s deluxe version works as a DLC, so you need the base game anyway
Okey thanks x)
You are welcome
Can someone give me the key cause Im lvl 3 only
give me key pls, i 3 lvl >3
Can someone give me this key? I’m level 5, it’s almost impossible to get to 10, before the keys end :/
T_T_T_T_T_T_T I’m lvl 7 XD
If somebody has a game and does not need his key, I’ll pray if he can give me that would be very grateful. Steam profile-
send me key to – and i give you gift with cs go
how can i Increase my Level ? 🙁
making badges with your cards to earn xp, buying games with free xp.
and how make badgges
He is asking about increase his level on AlienwareArena. Anyway, you have to rate content of the site daily, that´s the only thing you can do to level up your AlienwareArena account
how to be 10lvl ?
T-T just level 4 why why man why can somebody tell me why
No lloren por mi ya estoy muerto
-Barney Gumble
Wow Thanks Im Livel 13 =D <3
plz send it to my email
I’m waiting for people to cry in this comment section that they cant get it
So true xD
Hi, has ended? i’m 13 level but i can’t take any keys, because i’m from Argentina. Can you help me? (:
Hola @vonschuttgart soy chileno, al igual que tú soy nivel 13 en alienwarearena. Debes utilizar un VPN para poder acceder al código. Te recomiendo conectarte a través de Canadá. Suerte
Hola soy chileno, al igual que tú soy nivel 13 en alienwarearena. Debes utilizar un VPN para poder acceder al código. Te recomiendo conectarte a través de Canadá. Suerte
Cómo lo has hecho exactamente? Contacté a unos amigos del foro pero la página anda tan lenta que se me hace imposible de conectar. Probé con un VPN de USA pero al final me saltó error y con Canadá directamente no me dejó entrar.
Tengo entendido que AlienwareArena ha desplegado medidas para contrarrestar el uso de VPN’s. El problema es que está mal optimizado, entonces es cosa de suerte que te permita conectarte. Sin mentirte estuve cerca de 20 a 30 minutos intentando conectarme a la página hasta que lo logré. Reitero, es cosa de azar
Hello, I already own this game so if you want I can pick up key for you. I am from London so it could work. You can contact me via email:
use vpn