Grab AX:EL - Air XenoDawn for FREE, was $12.99 on Steam, but now you can download it for free, I guess this offer is just temporary...
Instructions: Click the green button to open the page, and just download the game via Steam, for some magic reason it's free...
About this Steam Game: An aerial dogfighting game with sci-fi elements.
Free AX:EL – Air XenoDawn Discussion: 18
Thank you!
Thank you, got the game.
To clear this up (based on devs’ post on Steam):
“Some of you were wondering if this is some kind of holidays special or not:
AX:EL will remain free so you all can enjoy AX:EL as much as I and the community enjoyed it while it was growing.”
gg thx xD
Thx :3
Thank you! ~
Muito obrigado :-))
Muchas Gracias ^^
Muchas Gracias 🙂
!addlicense ASF 232574
thanks <3
Thanks! !:D
thank you!