Free A Shawn Story Discussion: 27

  1. Okey, thanks Keygenerator for posting and Thanks to FSK and RIz for Your feesidback. it took me some time to register on web to register and connect all accounts needed, website dont send verify email automaticly, require capcha to send email, and EMAIL is rl cute, i mean that email is fun at parties for sure – no url (click to go link) just copy it and paste on browser and website looks like made by “my 1st time with HTML”, but giveway is nice and easy, i got some lags with receiving key, but key works on steam, awesome, i m looking forward for next giveways

  2. Can someone leave feedback about givewayhopper? how many tasks for this games? how many things i need to connect? how accurate website verify my actions? how heavy in load/ads is website? hah thanks in advance (not registered yet)

  3. If you have issues getting a verification email, just request another one and that should work. Make sure you also connect your Twitter, Steam & Twitch account so you can verify tasks. Enjoy your steam key!

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