Are you affiliated with Valve?

No, we have no affiliation with Valve or the Steam platform.

How to get free Steam keys? How does this all work? is a community driven gaming website that gathers information about Steam giveaways. We verify and aggregate all the best Steam giveaways daily, you just need to select a giveaway and follow the instructions. Every giveaway has a different set of rules. Currently new giveaways require a Steam account and social media follows. So make sure you have active social media accounts to be eligible for these free giveaways.

Why do websites and companies give away free Steam Games?

Marketing! It’s an easy and fast way to build a large community because everyone loves free games. Another purpose of this is to draw people’s attention and views to their websites. It’s a win-win situation: On one hand, you get free Steam games. And on the other hand, websites and companies build their communities.

Are all those giveaways legal?

Actually, that’s the main reason why we built this community to filter all the legit Steam giveaways in one place and empower all developers with tools to engage the community. Most giveaways come directly from the official developers, publishers and trusted third party websites however please note we also aggregate giveaways submitted by our users. We do our best to verify and moderate all giveaways but you still should proceed with caution, if you find anything suspicious please contact us at [email protected]

Why does it say “Expired” in the giveaway?

You were too late to get the game key, please check out our active giveaways here.

Why does it say there are still keys left but the giveaway has already ended?

Please be patient, we aren’t bots who auto-check all posts every second, just wait a little bit and we will change it. You can also help us if you post a comment with feedback.

How I can get real-time browser notifications on Future giveaways?

Easy, just go here and click the “Create Alert” link!

I don’t want to miss any giveaway, what i can do?

You can follow our real-time browser notifications here, you can also subscribe to our daily newsletter, and you can also follow us on social media and RSS feed. For more information please check this page.

I just received my newsletter, why the giveaway is already over?

Unfortunately that situation can happen sometimes, some giveaways are extremely popular and they will finish really quick. Some smaller giveaways will finish even before we are able to send our daily newsletter. In addition to that our newsletter needs several hours to be delivered to everyone and we only send 1 newsletter daily so if you don’t want to miss any giveaway we recommend to use our real-time browser notifications instead.

Why the giveaway ended way too quickly?

Some giveaways will end quickly because they have a limited number of keys, other giveaways are just more popular, among other reasons. Most giveaways are hosted outside FreeSteamKeys so they are out of our control. We try our best to help you for free to score a free game key, however please note we can note guarantee that you will always score a key in all giveaways.

How do I post on the website?

Register an account, click on the “Submit” button at the top right corner and fill out the needed information.

Why my submission is pending?

If you just start posting, you will have to be patient and wait for moderation. Also please note we usually block all the first posts to protect our community and avoid Spam. If you keep posting and follow all our guidelines your posts will eventually show up in the website.

Why my posts are still not showing up in the website?

There are several reasons to consider, maybe your submissions are not properly filled. Maybe your submissions have too many errors. Maybe we already have the same giveaways posted before. Maybe we just don’t trust the giveaway source link. Or maybe you didn’t post enough to win our trust. If you keep posting and follow all our guidelines your posts will eventually show up in the website.

How I can post Without Moderation?

You just need to keep posting and contributing if you want to win our trust and pass moderation, if your posts have quality your account will be eventually unlocked.

Do I get paid to be a contributor?

Only our top official contributors get a reward every month for their help. However please note just some users get the rare invite to be a official contributor.

How do I become a official contributor on the website?

It’s not that easy, you have to be a really active member in the community, posting giveaways and comments regularly. Just some users get the rare invite to be a contributor.

I Got Banned, Why?

You probably broken one of our rules. If you feel you have been falsely banned please, contact us.


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